Volunteer Restoration & Research

Frying Pan Shoals Lighthouse

Location: Located on Frying Pan Shoals, roughly 32 miles offshore from Bald Head Island, NC.    
Contact:  Richard Neal.  Email: richard@fptower.org    
Facility: Offshore Coast Guard Light Station with 100% off-grid, dark sky research facility complete with living quarters for 12 with 4 queen rooms, 3 twin, and crew room for 5. Research, Volunteering and Ecotourism visits are available. See website for more information.    

Visitor Center Host Program

Bodie Island, Cape Hatteras and Ocracoke Lighthouses

Note:  Volunteer opportunities are periodically available. For current offerings please check on volunteer.gov. 
Location: Cape Hatteras National Seashore (Bodie Island, Hatteras Island and Ocracoke Island)
Facility: Volunteers are provided a trailer pad with full hook-ups in exchange for 32 hours per week of service for a minimum of 6 weeks. 
Duties: See website for information on required duties.  

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